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Your opinion about the Reopening of Schools in this Pademic Situation

 Good Morning Dear Children Your Today's Task is to share your opinion about the Reopening of schools in the Pandemic Situation. Write your opinion in the comment box.


  1. The children should be monitored by the teacher that they should maintain all sanitation measures per day only 2 hours should be taken for a section


    After staying in house for 7 months I really want to go to school but situation is getting worse more than expected. Even though online classes are going on studying from school is different, we are also thinking the consequences if school reopened, because safety is the first measure we should take, students stay close in school so even one gets the virus the chance of spreading is more higher , social distancing must be there but in school bus it will not happen as expected so everyone's parents should personally drop there wards ,But in my opinion we should stay indoors until the situation gets better because we the students are the future of our country.

    By K.KAJAL
    IX C
    Roll no 14

  3. Whether it is discipline or safety measures children always do some mistake so my opinion about reopening of school during these Covid 19 days is a great danger for children, thus school shouldn't be opened until the Covid 19 vaccine is invented.

  4. My opinion about school reopening is that if school are reopened all the students and teachers must take all necessary precautions maintain social distancing etc.And it would also be a very first experience of ours going school in this pandemic after so many months But inspite of taking precautions there is very risk in going to school So it is better if schools are not reopened till covid 19 pandemic is in control.

  5. We all know that the situation of Covid 19 crisis is becoming worse day by day. So according to me the school should not be reopened now. Reopening the school may increase the chances of spreading the virus. Now winter season has also started so already the cases of cough, cold and the other respiratory problems are at the peak. Until an unless the vaccine is available for common people it is not advisable to venture out. Even if we go out for essential and compulsory work we should follow the SOPs(Standard operating procedures)issued by the State and the central govt. In case we reopen the school we cannot expect from every child to maintain safe distance. Prevention is better than cure. Thus, according to me reopening the school in this pandemic is not advisable.

    By Sanvee Kulkarni
    Class- 9th C
    Roll no.30

  6. If school Will open how much time the children put the mask. and the children always do some mistake so my opinion is reopening school during Covid19 days is a great dangerous. and there is no medince.

  7. My opinion about school reopening is that if school are reopened all the students and teachers must take all necessary precautions maintain social distancing etc.And it would also be a very first experience of ours going school in this pandemic after so many months But inspite of taking precautions there is very risk in going to school So it is better if schools are not reopened till covid 19 pandemic is in control.

    Thank you
    Yash Gangwar

  8. I am not in favour of the opening of school with the rising COVID cases as it will make the situation worse for children and the seniors in the family in case a child gets infected.It is better to wait for the vaccine to come. Thank you.

    Joshua Clement
    Class lX C
    Roll no 13

  9. Its been almost 8 months since schools are due to pandemic. I really miss my school, teachers & friends. Although we attend online classes, going to school and studying is different. However in my personal opinion we need to think practically as this pandemic is becoming worse day by day as the 2nd wave has hit many countries already & UK is suffering 2nd lockdown. It is mandatory to follow social distancing norms & wearing mask all the time whenever we step out of house. I think it will not be possible for children to wear mask continuously for a long time. It is not be a good time to reopen school. We should wait until vaccine is available or situation is in control.

    Shreya Pathak
    Class - 9C

  10. Schools should remain close because nothing is much important than someone's health.
    Jub sirf 50 covid cases thae tub school band kar diye thae to fir aaj jub 50 lakhs se zyada cases h then why to open school and bring everyone's life in danger. Why to take risk.

  11. Believing it to be a short-term event, I was really excited when the lockdown began and tried to make the most of it. But when the situation only grew graver, I began to realise the seriousness of what was going on.
    Yes, I miss eating and talking and playing with my friends, but I believe that schools should remain closed. School is a place where everything is shared. It is not possible for us to not approach our friends or always remember to stock up on pens. Besides, the online classes are quite effective, though they can never replace the experience of school. So I believe that schools should remain closed till everyone has been vaccinated.

    Alopa Behera
    X B


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