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Online Education Advantages and Disadvantages

 Good Morning Dear Children

Your Today's Task is to Briefly Describe the Advantages and Disadvantages of Online Education.

You can write your answer in the Comment Box.


  1. Advantages Of Online Learning

    Although many people still consider traditional universities as the best way to achieve knowledge and get a diploma, online learning proves to be a great alternative. Students have the chance to study in their own time and especially for free. It represents a great way to study many fields and to boost the level of self-motivation. Online learning is so effective because students can finish their homework quickly, and there is more time left for hobbies or for finding a job.

    An access to all resources of a traditional course helps participants learn wherever they are, leaving them the freedom to choose the time for study. With basically an Internet connection, a person can attend different courses. Among the advantages of online learning there are the responsibility and self-discipline of students.

    Disadvantages Of Online Learning

    Only in a small group a person can develop properly. At school, students learn how to make friends, be patient, get rid of disappointment, and especially to compete. Competition between colleagues can be very stimulating and students will only benefit from it. Online learning cannot offer human interaction.

    Another disadvantage refers to the fact that online courses cannot cope with thousands of students that try to join discussions. Also, online learning can be difficult, if it is meant for disciplines that involve practice.

    In conclusion, online learning should be seen as a complement and extension of classical forms of learning. Not even the best online course can fully replace the personal contact with a teacher, or the human relationships that develop in a group. So, traditional classes shouldn’t be replaced with online learning.

    1. Advantages Of Online Learning

      Although many people still consider traditional universities as the best way to achieve knowledge and get a diploma, online learning proves to be a great alternative. Students have the chance to study in their own time and especially for free. It represents a great way to study many fields and to boost the level of self-motivation. Online learning is so effective because students can finish their homework quickly, and there is more time left for hobbies or for finding a job.

      An access to all resources of a traditional course helps participants learn wherever they are, leaving them the freedom to choose the time for study. With basically an Internet connection, a person can attend different courses. Among the advantages of online learning there are the responsibility and self-discipline of students.

      Disadvantages Of Online Learning

      Only in a small group a person can develop properly. At school, students learn how to make friends, be patient, get rid of disappointment, and especially to compete. Competition between colleagues can be very stimulating and students will only benefit from it. Online learning cannot offer human interaction.

      Another disadvantage refers to the fact that online courses cannot cope with thousands of students that try to join discussions. Also, online learning can be difficult, if it is meant for disciplines that involve practice.

      In conclusion, online learning should be seen as a complement and extension of classical forms of learning. Not even the best online course can fully replace the personal contact with a teacher, or the human relationships that develop in a group. So, traditional classes shouldn’t be replaced with online learning.

      Drishty yadav
      Roll no-41

  2. Online classes advantages
    1. We don't have to go to school
    Online classes disadvantages
    1. We have to sit with mobile whole time to attend classes and finish homework
    2. We can't see our friends everyday.
    3. Long classes and they become boring as we can't interact.

    Aditya lamani
    Roll no 5
    Class 6 B

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.


  4. Advantage of online learning
    Although many people still consider traditional universities as the best way to achieve knowledge and get a diploma, online learning proves to be a great alternative. Students have the chance to study in their own time and especially for free. It represents a great way to study many fields and to boost the level of self-motivation. Online learning is so effective because students can finish their homework quickly, and there is more time left for hobbies or for finding a job.

    An access to all resources of a traditional course helps participants learn wherever they are, leaving them the freedom to choose the time for study. With basically an Internet connection, a person can attend different courses. Among the advantages of online learning there are the responsibility and self-discipline of students.
    Disadvantage of online learning
    Another disadvantage refers to the fact that online courses cannot cope with thousands of students that try to join discussions. Also, online learning can be difficult, if it is meant for disciplines that involve practice.

    In conclusion, online learning should be seen as a complement and extension of classical forms of learning. Not even the best online course can fully replace the personal contact with a teacher, or the human relationships that develop in a group. So, traditional classes shouldn’t be replaced with online learning.


    1. Online courses are convenient.
    2. Online courses offer flexibility.
    3. Online courses bring education right to your home.
    4. Online courses offer more individual attention.
    5. Online courses help you meet interesting people.
    6. Online courses give you real world skills.
    7. Online courses promote life-long learning.
    8. Online courses have financial benefits.
    9. Online courses teach you to be self-disciplined.
    10. Online courses connect you to the global village.


    1. Online courses require more time than on-campus classes.
    2. Online courses make it easier to procrastinate.
    3. Online courses require good time-management skills.
    4. Online courses may create a sense of isolation.
    5. Online courses allow you to be more independent.
    6. Online courses require you to be an active learner.
    7. Online courses don't have an instructor hounding you to stay on task.
    8. Online courses give you more freedom, perhaps, more than you can handle!
    9. Online courses require that you find your own path to learning.
    10. Online courses require you to be responsible for your own learning.


  6. Ten Advantages of Online Courses
    1. Online courses are convenient.
    2. Online courses offer flexibility.
    3. Online courses bring education right to our home.
    4. Online courses offer more individual attention.
    5. Online courses help us to meet interesting people.
    6. Online courses give you real world skills.
    7. Online courses promote life-long learning.
    8. Online courses have financial benefits.
    9. Online courses teach us to be self-disciplined.
    10. Online courses connect us to the global village.

    Ten Disadvantages of Online Courses
    1. Online courses require more time than on-campus classes.
    2. Online courses make it easier to procrastinate.
    3. Online courses require good time-management skills.
    4. Online courses may create a sense of isolation.
    5. Online courses allow us to be more independent.
    6. Online courses require you to be an active learner.
    7. Online courses don't have an instructor hounding you to stay on task.
    8. Online courses give you more freedom, perhaps, more than you can handle!
    9. Online courses require that you find your own path to learning.
    10. Online courses require you to be responsible for your own learning.

    Yojit Roy
    Class- 9th B
    Roll no. 45

  7. Advantages of online learning:
    1. Helps us to learn and explore new things such how to access online class on phones, computers, laptops etc.
    2. We can sit at home and study.
    3. As we sit at one place and attend our classes, there are no distractions.
    4. We learn how give examinations on our phones.
    5. Online learning is not a time consuming activity, hence it helps us to focus more on our studies and other work.

    Disadvantages of online learning.
    1. Screen time duration increases, and eyes become tired.
    2. Sometimes due to internet interruption, classes cannot be attended.
    3. We become homesick.
    4. We cannot meet our friends.
    5. Body becomes lazy.

    Arya Dutta
    Class 9B. Roll no.5

    1:Although many people still consider traditional universities as the best way to achieve knowledge and get a diploma, online learning proves to be a great alternative. Students have the chance to study in their own time and especially for free. It represents a great way to study many fields and to boost the level of self-motivation. Online learning is so effective because students can finish their homework quickly, and there is more time left for hobbies or for finding a job.
    2:An access to all resources of a traditional course helps participants learn wherever they are, leaving them the freedom to choose the time for study. With basically an Internet connection, a person can attend different courses. Among the advantages of online learning there are the responsibility and self-discipline of students.
    1:Only in a small group a person can develop properly. At school, students learn how to make friends, be patient, get rid of disappointment, and especially to compete. Competition between colleagues can be very stimulating and students will only benefit from it. Online learning cannot offer human interaction
    2:Another disadvantage refers to the fact that online courses cannot cope with thousands of students that try to join discussions. Also, online learning can be difficult, if it is meant for disciplines that involve practice.
    3:In conclusion, online learning should be seen as a complement and extension of classical forms of learning. Not even the best online course can fully replace the personal contact with a teacher, or the human relationships that develop in a group. So, traditional classes shouldn’t be replaced with online learning.
    ROLL NO. 28

  9. Variety of programs and courses: ...
    Lower total costs: ...
    More comfortable learning environment: ...
    Convenience and flexibility: ...
    More interaction and greater ability to concentrate: ...
    Career advancement: ...
    Continue in your profession: ...
    Avoid commuting.

    Disadvantaged of online course
    Online courses require more time than on-campus classes. ...
    Online courses make it easier to procrastinate. ...
    Online courses require good time-management skills. ...
    Online courses may create a sense of isolation. ...
    Online courses allow you to be more independent.

  10. Advantages of online classes
    1. In online classes we can sit in home and attend.
    2. We can get 100% attendance.
    3. We can get the best performance.

    Disadvantages of online classes.
    1. Teachers cannot understand what students are doing
    2. We damage our eyesight.
    3. We cannot leave our mobile

  11. Advantages of online learning
    1.We come to learn about technological application.
    2.We can sit at our home and attend the classes.
    Disadvantages of online classes
    1.It is bad for ou eyes to sit hours in front of the mobile and laptops.
    2.It is difficult to attend the classes if there is network problem and we leave the class.
    3.It is difficult for poor to afford the mobiles and laptops

  12. Samruddhi Gaonkar roll no 14

      1. Online courses are convenient.
      2. Online courses offer flexibility. 

      Disadvantages of online learning. 
      1. Screen time duration increases, and eyes become tired. 
      2. Sometimes due to internet interruption, classes cannot be attended. 

      Shiteej Vinayak Naik
      Vll C roll no 31

  13. Flexibility. Students have the freedom to juggle their careers and school because they aren't tied down to a fixed schedule. ...
    Reduced Costs. Online education can cost less due to a variety of reasons. ...
    Networking Opportunities. ...
    Documentation. ...
    Increased Instructor - Student Time. ...
    Access to Expertise.

  14. Disadvantages
    1.It gives stress on our eyes duv to tralone involvement it mobile phone and laptop . redece fisikal activity
    3.we lose our friendshipness .
    1.We can study in our home .
    2.We are getting expert in mobile phone and laptop.
    3.we are safe from Corona virus.

  15. 1)inline classes need more time then campus classes
    2)online classes make it easier to procrastinate
    3)online classes may create a mind of isolation
    4)online courses help you to become more independent

    1. Online courses are convenient.
    2. Online courses offer flexibility. 

    Disadvantages of online learning. 
    1. Screen time duration increases, and eyes become tired. 
    2. Sometimes due to internet interruption, classes cannot be attended. 

    1. Ma'am this is Shiteej Vinayak Naik roll no 31 class 7th C

  17. Shiteej Vinayak Naik roll no 31 Vll C

  18. Published by Ishaan Roy 7a roll no 13
    1.-We are now more able to operate devices than earlier.
    2.-We are now learning by new way of education.
    3.-Less natural meterials like chalk, paper, eraser etc. are used.

    1.-We are getting more addicted towards devices.
    2.-We are spending more time with devices than our family members.
    3.-These devices are hurting our eyes.

    Thus digital learning has both advantages and disadvantages.

      Point 1
      We are getting used to more advance way of learning i.e e-learning.
      Point 2
      More knowledge is gainedin less time

  19. Flexibility. Students have the freedom to juggle their careers and school because they aren't tied down to a fixed schedule. ...
    Reduced Costs. Online education can cost less due to a variety of reasons. ...
    Networking Opportunities. ...
    Documentation. ...
    Increased Instructor - Student Time. ...
    Access to Expertise.

  20. Replies
    1. Advantages of Online Education

      1. Online courses are convenient.
      2. Online courses offer flexibility.
      3. Online courses bring education right to your home.
      4. Online courses offer more individual attention.
      5. Online courses help you meet interesting people.
      6. Online courses give you real world skills.
      7. Online courses promote life-long learning.
      8. Online courses have financial benefits.
      9. Online courses teach you to be self-disciplined.
      10. Online courses connect you to the global village.

      Disadvantages of Online Education

      1. Online courses require more time than on-campus classes.
      2. Online courses make it easier to procrastinate.
      3. Online courses require good time-management skills.
      4. Online courses may create a sense of isolation.
      5. Online courses allow you to be more independent.
      6. Online courses require you to be an active learner.
      7. Online courses don't have an instructor hounding you to stay on task.
      8. Online courses give you more freedom, perhaps, more than you can handle!
      9. Online courses require that you find your own path to learning.
      10. Online courses require you to be responsible for your own learning.

      Name Rajdeep naik
      Class 7thB
      Roll no. 19

  21. Advantages-1-Self-discipline and responsibiliti 2- improved employee knowledge 3-access to expertise

    Disadvantages-1- create a sense of isolation 2- lack of notes to write 3- radiation

  22. Advantages of online classes
    1. Online courses are convenient.
    2. Online courses offer flexibility.
    3. Online courses bring education right to your home.
    4. Online courses offer more individual attention.
    5. Online courses help you meet interesting people.
    6. Online courses give you real world skills.
    7. Online courses promote life-long learning.
    8. Online courses have financial benefits.
    9. Online courses teach you to be self-disciplined.
    10. Online courses connect you to the global village

    Disadvantages of online classes

    1. Online courses require more time than on-campus classes.
    2. Online courses make it easier to procrastinate.
    3. Online courses require good time-management skills.
    4. Online courses may create a sense of isolation.
    5. Online courses allow you to be more independent.
    6. Online courses require you to be an active learner.
    7. Online courses don't have an instructor hounding you to stay on task.
    8. Online courses give you more freedom, perhaps, more than you can handle!
    9. Online courses require that you find your own path to learning.
    10. Online courses require you to be responsible for your own learning.

  23. Advantages of online learning
    2.Time Flexibility
    3.Lower Costs
    4.More Interaction
    Disadvantage of online classes
    1.Lack of Community
    2.Self Discipline
    3.Technical Difficulties

    Sainath Kesarkar
    Class 7b

  24. Advantages of online classes
    Less impact of enviro
    Technical skills
    Disadvantages of online classes
    Lack of communications skills
    Cheating prevention during online classes
    Armanpreet kaur
    Roll no.39
    Class VII-B

    1. Advantages of online classes
      Convenience of timing
      Feasibility of studying
      Self study
      Equal opportunity is not seeked

  25. accessibility of time and place affordability improved student attendance lack of practice-based learning disadvantages online student feedback is limited e-learning can cause social isolation e-learning requires strong self-motivation and time management skills.

    ROLL NO.:09

  26. Comments by M.Sejal,7A,
    1.Due to Online classes we are safe at home during this pandemic period
    2. As the time of traveling to school is saved we are having much time to play, fulfill our hobbies and to be fit and healthy.


    1.We used to be away from gadgets but spending much time with it.
    2. Missing the school environment, friends, teachers.

  27. Advantages:-maximum interaction and low cost.
    Disadvantages:- causes of headache and eye site are badly effected
    Aryan Saini
    Roll no 5


    1⟩ Online courses offer more individual attention.

    2⟩ Online courses bring education right to our home.

    3⟩ Online courses have financial benefits.

    4⟩ Online courses are convenient.

    5⟩ Online courses give you real world skills.


    1⟩ Online courses may create a sense of isolation.

    2⟩ Online courses require good time management skills.

    3⟩ Online courses require you to be responsible for your own learning.

    4⟩ Online courses require that you find your own path to learning.

    5⟩ Online courses don't have an instructor hounding you to stay on task.


    1] Online classes are convenient.

    2] Online courses offer flexibility.

    3] Online classes bring education right to your home.

    4] Online classes offer more individual attention.

    5] Online classes help you meet interesting people.

    6] Online classes give you real world skills.

    7] Online classes promote life-long learning.

    8] Online classes have financial benefits.

    9] Online classes teach you to be self-disciplined.

    10] Online classes connect you to the global village


    1] Online classes require more time than on-campus classes

    2] Online classes make it easier to procrastinate.

    3] Online classes require good time-management skills.

    4] Online classes may create a sense of isolation.

    5]Online classes allow you to be more independent.

    6] Online classes require you to be an active learner.

    7] Online classes don't have an instructor hounding you to stay on task.

    8] Online classes give you more freedom, perhaps, more than you can handle.

    9] Online classes require that you find your own path to learning.

    10] Online classes require you to be responsible for your own learning.

    1. NAME-Vedant Sawant
      ROLL NO-35
      CLASS - 7TH B

  30. Shan sayed
    Roll no. 28
    Advantages Of Online Learning

    Although many people still consider traditional universities as the best way to achieve knowledge and get a diploma, online learning proves to be a great alternative. Students have the chance to study in their own time and especially for free. It represents a great way to study many fields and to boost the level of self-motivation. Online learning is so effective because students can finish their homework quickly, and there is more time left for hobbies or for finding a job.

    An access to all resources of a traditional course helps participants learn wherever they are, leaving them the freedom to choose the time for study. With basically an Internet connection, a person can attend different courses. Among the advantages of online learning there are the responsibility and self-discipline of students.

    Disadvantages Of Online Learning

    Only in a small group a person can develop properly. At school, students learn how to make friends, be patient, get rid of disappointment, and especially to compete. Competition between colleagues can be very stimulating and students will only benefit from it. Online learning cannot offer human interaction.

    Another disadvantage refers to the fact that online courses cannot cope with thousands of students that try to join discussions. Also, online learning can be difficult, if it is meant for disciplines that involve practice.

    In conclusion, online learning should be seen as a complement and extension of classical forms of learning. Not even the best online course can fully replace the personal contact with a teacher, or the human relationships that develop in a group. So, traditional classes shouldn’t be replaced with online learning.

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